No matter what your goal, DR. FEAAR® is the uncompromising solution for maximizing your results and is perfect for those that demand the most out of their EAA supplements. The complete amino acid matrix of DR. FEAAR® contains both BCAA and EAA, a crucial aspect of formulation that ensures you are maximizing protein synthesis, supporting lean muscle, improving glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity, decreasing post-training soreness and preventing muscle breakdown.
Dragon Pharma DR. FEAAR® is here to change the way that you think about amino acid supplementation. For years, BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) supplements reigned as king and rightfully so with strong research data supporting the key role they play. However, these supplements utilizing BCAAs alone are missing something essential. Literally speaking, they fail to include EAA (Essential Amino Acids) as well in the formula which can short change optimal effectiveness! With research comes innovation and with innovation comes DR. FEAAR®, the complete amino acid matrix formula that utilizes a powerful 4:1:1 ratio of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) as well as the remaining essential amino acids (EAA) for a complete amino acid spectrum. It also features the novel ingredient Peak02 to deliver the comprehensive solution for preventing muscle breakdown, increasing training capacity and speeding exercise recovery.